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Civil Project Manager

Emplaçament laboral: 
Unión, Murcia
Tipus de feina: 

Our client is looking for three Project Managers to join a civil and engineering contractor in the center of London as soon as possible. Applicants should be from a civil engineering background and have good experience working with sub contractors managing the civil stage of the project eg , piling, RC frame and groundwork . The PMs will join our clients high rise division (offices and tower blocks) working on projects of 6 to 8 floors with values of between 500k and 5million. The preferred candidate will have worked their way up from the tools/engineer level. Applicants must have experience as number 1 on site. The candidates we are looking for must have worked for at least the last 5 years with sub contractors; Main contractors need not apply. An advanced level of English is required.

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Autorització per a l'enviament del CV

Si aquesta oferta indica que he d’enviar el meu CV al Col·legi, el fet d’enviar-ho implica que:

Autoritzo al Col·legi a remetre les meves dades, incloent el meu Currículum i la resta de documents annexos, a l’empresa que oferta aquesta vacant. Un cop s’hagi fet la tramesa, sol·licito que aquests documents siguin eliminats dels sistemes del Col·legi.