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English for Engineers

Del 30 de juny al 16 de juliol de 2015
Dimarts i dijous de 9 a 12 hores
COEIC - Via Laietana, 37 2n
Col·legiat: 195€ / General: 325€
Organizado por: 

Atès el conveni establert entre el COEIC i el CETOP la inscripció per als nostres col·legials serà igual que per als col·legiats del COEIC.

This course is designed to help Engineers communicate more effectively in English.

Students should already have a level equivalent to the Cambridge First Certificate of English (Independent User B2 level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages).

Learning objectives
During the course, students will:

1. Practice their English reading, writing, listening and speaking skills in an engineering context.

2. Improve their understanding of English grammar points relevant to their level.

3. Increase their range of vocabulary.

The course includes:
English texts, audio and video extracts based on themes and situations from different fields of engineering. Grammar analysis.
Spelling and pronunciation.
Speaking and writing opportunities to practice and use new language.
Feedback, reviews and assessment.
Homework, to reinforce the work done in class.

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